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  • Welcome to the
    National Genetics Education
    and Family Support Center
    Learning about and participating
    in the genetics delivery system can be overwhelming –
    but it doesn’t have to be.
  • Your
    Wherever you start, this is your journey
    to better understand your health and to find
    helpful resources along the way.
  • Understand
    and Genetics
    Genes are the instructions for life
    as we know it.
  • Our
    to Families
    Families deserve to expect more -
    more support, more guidance, and
    better health.

About Us

The National Genetics Education and Family Support Center (Family Center) works to increase access to genetic services by promoting and strengthening family engagement in the genetic health care delivery system.

Learning about and participating in the genetics delivery system can be overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be. Our information and resources are broken down to meet you where you are. Whether you’re interested in learning more about hereditary patterns, your genetic condition, or leadership opportunities, we have it here for you.


Understanding Genes and Genetics

Genetics is the study of how different qualities, called traits, are passed down from biological parents to their biological children. Genes are the instructions to life as we know it.

Genes affect your development before you're even born and play a role in everything from your appearance to your personality. Genes contain information about your racial and ethnic background and your risk for certain diseases. Understanding your genes is part of understanding yourself, and you can use information about genetics to make decisions in your daily life.


Your Genetics Journey

Your genetics journey can start by receiving a diagnosis, learning about your family history, or undergoing a screening. Wherever you start, this is your journey to better understand your health and to find helpful resources along the way.

Learn More

Meet Family Leaders, Just like you.

In 2023, the national family center gathered leaders from across the country to share their stories. 

These face-to-face accounts are designed to empower and help individuals and families of children with a genetic condition.  Each story and account is unique.  Together, we break them down into four common themes: definition of a leader, advice for future leaders, navigating common struggles, and solutions.

Get in Touch

Contact us for any information


4301 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 404 Washington, DC 20008-2369




The National Genetics Education and Family Support Center (Family Center) provides tools and resources to support family engagement and genetic services.

Contact info

4301 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 404 Washington, DC 20008-2369

[email protected]