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Understanding Family Engagement in Genetics Services

"Engagement is a full scope of practice from the individual, to clinical, to systems level with family and patients a

From Clinical to Casual: Understanding the Importance of Language in Genetics

An engaging discussion where family leaders discuss the importance of language in genetics.

Your Genetics Journey: Referral to Genetics

A genetic counselor breaks down what it's like to be referred to a genetics service.

Your Genetics Journey: Screening

A genetic counselor breaks down screening for you. 

Your Genetics Journey: Family Health History

A genetic counselor breaks down what you need to know about family health history.

Different Paths: Journeys to Becoming a Family Leader in the Genetics System

An engaging session where family leaders shared what leadership means to them and how to foster it with others.

The Journey Through Diagnosis

The Midwest Regional Genetics Network created this guide to support families of children with a genetic condition.

Connect with Local Resources

Find assistance in linking with genetic services with your Regional Genetics Network.

Understanding Disparities in Genetics Services

A podcast-style engagement session to learn more about disparities in genetic services.

Disease InfoSearch

Database of over 10,000 conditions to help you learn more about your condition and connect with support groups.


Discover tools and strategies for advocating for whatever you may need.


Obtain resources and information that are universal to the genetics health care system.

Find a Genetic Clinic

ACMG's "Find a Genetics Clinic" allows individuals to search for genetics clinics across the United States.

Telegenetics Infographic

An infographic explaining telegenetics visits.


The National Genetics Education and Family Support Center (Family Center) provides tools and resources to support family engagement and genetic services.

Contact info

4301 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 404 Washington, DC 20008-2369

[email protected]